batch Preprocessing
STF and Image cropping
RGB Channel combination
Colour calibration Version 1
Histogram Transformation
HDR Multiscale Transform
ACDNR noise reduction
Saturation boost
L-RGB combination
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I suggest that the video's are viewed in order as they are listed as this was how I used the tools shown to process the Image of M106 contained within them

It is Also the workflow that I use on many of my images

If you wish to experiment with the M106 images in the video's you can download them here

batch Preprocessing
Batch Preprocessing
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

This video will show you how to calibrate, apply a defect map , register and Intergrate all your subs with the aid of a easy to use script.

Yes Easy to use , so good I had to say it Twice

After using the script it is recommended to use the image integration tool to fine tune your settings to get the best results

STF and Image cropping
STF and Image cropping
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Here we looking at how to

1) Open a image file

2) Use the screen transfer function

3) Crop a image

4) Save a image

RGB Channel combination
RGB Channel combination
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Here we will learn how to combine individual RGB channels into a single image

We will also be using the

"Linear fit tool"

on a difficult image with colour balance problems

Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Mastering DBE will give huge rewards in your image processing and is worth spending some time getting your self aquatinted with

DBE works by making a background model all the imperfections inc gradients and even vignetting , then removing them from the image ( usually by subtraction)

Pixinsight's killer app

Colour calibration Version 1
Colour calibration Version 1
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Getting the correct colour in deep sky images can sometimes be difficult ,
but fortunately Pixinsight has the tool to help

Pixinsight needs a white reference to work out the correct weights of the rgb

This video will show you how to do this using the nearby galaxy method and the stars method

Also a quick look at SCNR to remove unwanted greens

Histogram Transformation
Histogram Transformation
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Here we will use the Histogram Transformation tool to permanently stretch your image and make it non linear

Now don't forget to disable the STF before doing this

HDR Multiscale Transform
HDR Multiscale Transform
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

HDR Multiscale Transform Is a powerful tool that is fairly easy to use and gives you the power to reveal all that information hidden by large dynamic ranges as long as your data is not saturated

Watch and enjoy

BTW do not use previews with this tool as it needs the whole image to work correctly

ACDNR noise reduction
HDR Multiscale Transform
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Here we will us the ACDNR noise reduction tool

I will show you how to use a mask so you can control the areas that the tool is applied to and how to adjust the tool to suit noise scales

There are other noise reduction tools in pixinsight , but this is the one to learn first

This was the tool I first brought pixinsight for only to find there are plenty of other delights to be found

Saturation boost
Saturation boost
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

Its common to have weak colour after stretching

so this video we will carry out a saturation boost

I will show you how to

1) Create a luminance mask to protect the background

2) Alter the mask and apply it to the image

3) Boost the saturation

L-RGB combination
L-RGB combination
Right click on image and "save video as" to download video to watch off line

In this video I will show you how to

1) Align a RGB and Lumince image using the Star alignment tool

2) Combine the result using the LRGB combination tool

3) Use the Linear fit tool to balance your RGB and Luminace

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